Take care of yourself.
For your convenience we have listed the pre and post op instructions associated with endodontic treatment. As always if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Post Root Canal Instructions
Your tooth may be uncomfortable for 24-48 hours after treatment. This is usually due to inflammation and is usually relieved by taking Advil (Ibuprofen) or Tylenol every 4-6 hours. The doctor may also give you pain medication and/ or antibiotics if needed.
You may eat anything you want, but refrain from chewing on the side that was treated for at least 24 hours. You may brush your teeth and floss as you normally would.
Your dentist will make the judgment for the best course of restorative treatment. We have placed a TEMPORARY filling to cover the small hole that we have to make in your tooth to perform the root canal. The temporary filling will only last for approximately 4-6 weeks. Your general dentist will be sent an x-ray from our office showing the completed root canal and notes about the treatment.
Please call our office if you have any questions regarding your treatment. If it is after hours and it is an emergency, the answering service will be able to assist you.
*After completion of your root canal, you will need to schedule an appointment with your general dentist for a permanent filling or crown of the tooth.